Welcome to Shiraz Seniors Services Society


We are dedicated to improving the lives of Middle Eastern immigrant seniors in North Vancouver.

Join our workshops and become a part of our community.
"Our mission is to empower and support seniors, fostering a sense of belonging and community."
Omid Khosravi,
Respect & Compassion

Our Services

Mental Health Initiatives

Low-barrier, culturally sensitive counseling services, peer support groups, and financial counseling.

Resilience Building Workshops

Workshops focused on stress management, mindfulness, and self-care practices, along with creative expression activities.

Anti-Hate and Diversity Education

Educational materials and training programs to challenge discriminatory attitudes and promote understanding.

Cultural and Physical Activities

Traditional physical activities and cultural events that foster community bonding and promote physical health.

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Culturally Inclusive Environment

Our programs and services are tailored to honor and celebrate cultural diversity, ensuring every individual feels at home and valued.

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Comprehensive Resource Center

Our resource center is a hub for local service information, assisting seniors in navigating healthcare and social services efficiently.

We offer workshops on senior rights, entitlements, and serve as a liaison with local government agencies to ensure our seniors’ voices are heard.


We believe in the power of compassion and solidarity.

Our mission is to elevate the living standards and overall well-being of Middle Eastern immigrant seniors by providing a welcoming environment that promotes inclusivity, connectivity, unity, productivity, and a healthy, happy life.

Great Staff
Our team respond every time with a big warm smile.
Let the Numbers Speak
We promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
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Advocacy Success
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Get in Touch and Let us Care for your Loved Ones.

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