About Us

Our journey

Who we are

Shiraz Seniors Services Society was founded with a heartfelt commitment to improving the lives of Middle Eastern immigrant seniors in North Vancouver. Our journey began with a shared vision of creating a supportive and inclusive community where seniors can thrive, engage actively, and contribute meaningfully.

Why Choose Us

Our Mission and Values

At Shiraz Seniors Services Society, our mission is to elevate the lives and living standards of Middle Eastern immigrant seniors by creating an inclusive, compassionate, and welcoming environment. We strive to cultivate and motivate seniors to become active, productive, and positive members of the community.


Culturally Sensitive
We provide services in multiple languages, respecting and celebrating cultural diversity.
We foster a welcoming environment where every senior feels valued and included.
Our dedicated team offers unwavering support tailored to the unique needs of immigrant seniors.
With years of experience, we understand the challenges faced by immigrants.
We offer flexible options to include all seniors, including in-person, phone, & online.
Meaningful Connectivity

Our Vision

Our carers love what they do, and that's what makes them so special.

Our vision is to empower immigrant seniors by fostering active engagement, enhancing community involvement, and facilitating seamless integration with North Shore resources. We are dedicated to enabling our seniors to lead longer, healthier, happier, and more productive lives. By enriching their individual well-being, we also enhance the fabric of our diverse community. Together, we strive to create a vibrant, inclusive environment where every senior can thrive and contribute meaningfully.


Board of Directors

Board Chair

Dr. Armin Aminjavaheri

Dr. Aminjavaheri is a family physician practicing in North Vancouver. He is dedicated to addressing the health issues of his patients and volunteering in health-related areas such as the MS society and long-term care facilities. His goal is to improve the Iranian community and assist people in overcoming the challenges they face after immigration.



Omid Khosravi

Omid is a devoted father of three and an active community leader with a heartfelt commitment to helping others. As a realtor in Greater Vancouver and an advocate for newcomers, Omid dedicates his time to various community initiatives, providing assistance and guidance to new immigrants. His empathetic approach and firsthand experience as an immigrant enable him to offer invaluable support and resources to those in need.


Maliheh Ali

After immigrating from Iran in 2002, Maliheh dedicated her time to supporting seniors and newcomers in her community. Drawing on her experience caring for her mother in a long-term care center, Maliheh volunteered with Mosaic to help new immigrants access vital resources. She is passionate about sharing her story and collaborating with other Middle Eastern immigrant seniors to build a better life in Canada.

Founder & Executive Director

Bita Parsa

Driven by a passion to empower Middle Eastern immigrant seniors, Bita is a trailblazer in the field of gerontology. Immigrating to Canada in 1998, Bita faced numerous challenges, which fueled her determination to create positive change. With a BA in Health Sciences and a PBD in Gerontology from Simon Fraser University, she has dedicated herself to serving disadvantaged communities and improving the lives of aging Middle Eastern immigrants.


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